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Testimonies Page

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; proclaim his deeds among the peoples. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell about all his wondrous works!
-Psalms 105:1-2-

Whether it is a salvation, healing, financial provision, a word of knowledge, something He did to you, through you, something you witnessed or whatever else the Lord has done, these are the things that we are commanded to celebrate and tell others about.

Testimonies (14)
Amy M
03. Feb. 2024

Earlier this week, my spine was hurting in a couple of places. It was so significant it was distracting me from prayer and study. I haven't been to a chiropractor in 5 years, but used to go 3 times a week to treat scoliosis. I did not want this option, and at Wednesday Night Training I asked who wanted to pray for my back. Immediately Sister Johanna offered and she put her hand right where it was hurting. The painful spot unlocked! Then Sister Mimi grabbed me to pray again, putting a fine point on the healing. I slept well that night but woke with stiffness again. Sisters Janet & Kathryn prayed and stood with me for healing. Hours later, I realized I hadn't thought about my back in hours. Praise the Lord for His goodness and life!

Othniel Hinckson
Othniel Hinckson
06. Nov. 2023

My daughter was running in the house, slipped and fell on her legs. She immediately was writhing in pain. She could not straghten her leg nor could she put weight on it. My wife and kids began to minster to her. throughout the day pain left and her leg straghtened out. By the time I came home at 4pm there just a little bit of pain left and so I ministered by grace and she was completely made whole. Running and Jumping for joy! The Lord is Good and His mercy endures forever!

Othniel Hinckson
Othniel Hinckson
06. Nov. 2023

While ministering at the Sunday outreach, a dear woman came up to me and said she has never experienced a touch from the Lord in church like she did during worship in the park. She was at least in her 70s. God is faithful!

Othniel Hinckson
Othniel Hinckson
06. Nov. 2023

Ministered to a man at the Thursday outreach that had severe pain in his back shoulders and hip. Not only did Jesus remove his pain, heal his body, but he also grew his leg out about an inch. His wife witnessed the whole thing and almost fell over from awe! Jesus is worthy!

Othniel Hinckson
Othniel Hinckson
06. Nov. 2023

God is faithful. Minsistered to a wamon at the Thursday food outreach she was suffering from arthritus in her body. And wouldn't you know it Jesus took the pain from her body!😁

Taayla Mark
Taayla Mark
01. Nov. 2023

Because we overcome the enemy by the blood of the lamb and by the word of our testimony, here is one from last night:

On my way over to the Emmanuel house, I started feeling abdominal pain, and as the evening continued, it got worse and worse. I asked sister Hanh to pray for me, and then I stood on it, ate dinner and went about as ‘normal.’

I was better, praise God, but not 100% and I refused to give it attention even though the pain tried to come back intermittently.

It was Halloween and our team headed out to do praise and worship in the neighbourhood. Whatever pain that was still on me was completely destroyed, when we proclaimed God’s Word “The light shines in darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it.”

‭‭John‬ ‭1‬:‭5‬ ‭MEV‬‬

Jesus equated praise to strength (Matt 21:16) and that is another weapon we need to utilize against the enemy.

Here is my ‘formula’:

1. I speak against the issue - ask for help if I need to.

2. I stand on the word of God that I am healed (not just of the pain, but my whole body was ready to cave in and be sick at that time😓)

3. Praise Him in spirit and truth for He is Jehovah Rapha and He is good! 🙏

What an amazing God we serve!!!

15. Okt. 2023

We did street evangelism today, and sometimes, it feels like no one is interested or even listening. And then, my partner and I approached this father there with his two boys and offered him prayers. He said yes and cried when we finished because he was going through some things, and we presented hope in Jesus Christ to him. If we were there just for that one guy, it would have been worth our time. But we touched others, likely more than we even realized. Here’s what I’m learning in Texas….church is not in a building; it is where the people are. We must go to the people, as Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:18.

Tricia Boyer
Tricia Boyer
14. Okt. 2023

Praise King Jesus! For over thirty years I was attacked with chronic pain all over my body. Sitting, standing, walking, and laying down I was in pain. I was on narcotics. Then recently I came into the truth and understood that Jesus already paid for my healing and I chose to receive it by faith. The tr

uth set me free and I am delivered from this affliction! All glory and honor and praise and dominion to our magnificent King!

27. Sept. 2023

During worship this past Sunday at church, Othniel mentioned exalting the name of Jesus. And suddenly, I felt choked with excitement and giddiness from Holy Spirit, and I told Him, “That really gets you going, huh?!" So, praise on Church 🙌🏼👏🏼👊🏼

Taayla Mark
Taayla Mark
19. Sept. 2023

I have a praise report today.

You know how sometimes you're walking along and suddenly trip over something, and it's such a shock?

Well, that happened to me, except I was driving, and instead of tripping, I burst into tears😳

I was on my way to this new Bible study this morning. It was in Plano, and with traffic, it took an hour to get there.

I'm driving along, listening to music, not thinking of anything in particular and with no lead-up whatsoever, I started bawling😓 And I cried out to God, “What am I supposed to be doing once I'm back, God? What do you want me to do for You? I'm so confused, and I hate this not knowing.” I went on a little; the storm was intense but short, and then I was back to my usual stoic self🙄 I was like a valve that needed the air released, and then settled again😛

I got there and saw this pretty Caucasian older lady at the front, and right away, I felt comfortable being there. The first thing she taught was about how to pursue God's vision for you and I felt like she was talking directly to me.

I wanted to start bawling again; I was so overwhelmed to know He hears me; He always hears me. But I don't often hear Him, so He used somebody like Judy to speak to me, and His kindness humbled me. I can say a lot more about what else occurred, but I will finish with this:

He is faithful, Praise God!🥲❤️☝️


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©2023 by Spirit Life Church

Service Times

Saturdays 2pm

Wednesdays 7pm

1301 East Plano Pkwy, Plano, TX 75074

Mailing address:

P.O. Box 851342

Richardson, TX 75085

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